Friday 20 September 2013

Jati Diri Penggerak Wawasan (another post for you)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb, All my friends..!! :)

Hope you all now have a very great time.
Lately, I'm having a really big time for sure in my faculty at university. From homework till lab project (though I still on my first year) are bluntly raining towards me..
and in term of my University Orientation Time, this post born. 'actually, it isn't all wrong though' :D
from now on, I have to continue this post in Indonesian (well, I more prefer in english) so, let's go..!! :)

Friday 23 August 2013

DataPrint Scholarship, hope in a middle of sahara

Assalamu'alaikum all my friends..

University in my country are making the student got confused day after day until now, and as a University student (now :D), I have to through this problem cleverly as a student :P

Yesterday was great!

Everyday I'm shuffelin.. *shuffel* *triped* *fall* :D

Assalamu'alaikum my friends, Hope we all blessed by Allah SWT in every our movement at this world.

Yesterday was my best day in this week, for making a nametag for OSPEK (Orientation time of university in Indonesia).

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Busy Week (With Vocaloid)

Assalamu'alaikum my dear friends.

Is it me or the time now goes pass really fast?
Hehe, Wednesday is come and I hope you all didn't got angry because my late post.

From Monday till Saturday, my Last School Exam begin and I do not really have time to update some post for some reason :)

Sunday 17 March 2013

I'm in a Computer! :D

Assalamu'alaikum All my dear friends.

After watching some video in youtube, my glance caught by one line title video called

"Avatar mirrors users facial expressions in real-time using a standard webcam #DigInfo"

Technology become higher because of this invent. The inventor said that this program is an alogarythm face detector which record, track, and analysis face movement then convert it to real time animation. Sounds cool, but this application just run on a PC for now. Further research might make this system a default animation of video call between PC or Handphone.

Big Monday, Big day!

Monday comes!!

Assalamu'alaikum my dear friends.

How do you do? Fine?
Hope you always be fine in your days.

Saturday 16 March 2013

My First Post

Assalamu'alaikum all my friends.

Hope you enjoyed this website as much as I write post here.
If you don't mind, please drop by your email in "My Friends" tabs.

I really want to know my visitor more, and making friends from everywhere sounds good for me :D
please come back whenever you got some spare time.

With this, I celebrate this blog opening with all my heart by writing my first post.


What is your "Yume Kotoba" today?